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DCCI Policies


The implementation of certain DCCI programmes and activities may require the assistance of specialist service providers. In its purchasing, DCCI seeks to obtain value for money while balancing considerations of specification, quality, price, safety, health, welfare, ethics and service support. Purchasing is discharged with probity, transparency and accountability in a manner that secures value for money.

DCCI has agreed thresholds and authorisation limits which determine the particular quotation or tendering procedure to be followed, and the authorisation required before the organisation commits to spend.

DCCI adheres to the published public procurement guidelines which set out the national guidelines for awarding contracts.   These procedures apply, not only to formal, written contracts but to all purchases and disposals.   It is a basic principle of Government procurement that a procedure based on competitive tendering should always be used.

Information relating to DCCI tenders, including tender documentation, clarifications and changes, is published on the Irish government and public sector procurement website, eTenders.