Irish Design Week 2023 - Is Folklore the Future?
An Introduction from our Programme Director - Tom Watts
View programmeIrish Design Week 2023 will explore how folklore and storytelling give insight into how to address some of the critical issues facing our society today.
The depth of creative talent in this country is absolutely awe-inspiring and the best part of organising Irish Design Week 2023 is meeting and getting to work with so many exciting Irish Designers.
Many are young, up and coming but there are also many inspirational stories of people who are in the later stages of their career and have chosen new paths towards design and craft.
Our 2023 theme: ‘Is Folklore the Future?’
The creation of the theme ‘Is Folklore the Future?‘ is a banner for everyone to come together and celebrate Irish creativity. Irish Design Week 2023 is starting to gather momentum with events happening all over the country, and reflecting the fact that remote working has allowed many people to live where they are most inspired and productive.
A international line-up
The lineup this year also includes many international names and organisations who have been drawn to the ‘Is Folklore the Future?’ theme. Ireland’s reputation as a nation of storytellers has appealed to their inquisitive nature, and many are keen to see what we do with the concept.
An extensive programme of events
Among the international design community, interest in storytelling, folklore and mythology has emerged as a strong theme to communicate ideas and concepts.
We’ve created an extensive programme of events which take place across the country from the 13-18th of November 2023.
Not in front of the visitors, will not be part of the script. In fact the opposite is true, we will be asking these international design leaders to help inform our plans for everything from the National Design Centre to the Agricultural Sector.
Tom Watts
Programme Director - Irish Design Week 2023