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FOI Disclosure Log

Date of Request
Category of Requester
Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) Summary of 2022 FOI Requests
Decision Made
Date of Reply
1 20th June, 2022  Business / Interest Group  Summary of Request: In relation to all CCTV cameras that you have procured from 2017 until the present, please provide:

  • the names of each company and the names of the products including the model numbers
  • the contracts with each company
  • the cost per unit and the total costs, and
  • the duration of contracts and/or licenses
  • the capability of the CCTV cameras
  • documents and communication involving the company that was awarded the contract
Part Granted  29th July, 2022 


Date of Request
Category of Requester
Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) Summary of 2021 FOI Requests
Decision Made
Date of Reply
1 21st January, 2021  Client  The details relating to the spend which was 100k by DCCI on the Made Local campaign and what direction was given, the results of that campaign which includes the clicks on to the Design Ireland site and the site visits for the Design Ireland site from the year 2019 and the figures for 2020.  Granted  18th February 2021  


Date of Request
Category of Requester
Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) Summary of 2020 FOI Requests
Decision Made
Date of Reply
1 17th August, 2020 Journalist A copy of all communications regarding the the ‘Made Local’ campaign launched on July 29.

A breakdown of the costs associated with the campaign and a list of any items gifted on the day of the launch

 Part Granted 11th September 2020
2 18th November, 2020  Journalist  Copies of any records held referring or relating to the resignation of Breege O’Donoghue from the Chair/Board of the Council  Part Granted  15th December, 2020 




No FOI requests received


Date of Request
Category of Requester
Design & Crafts Council Ireland (DCCI) Summary of 2018 FOI Requests
Decision Made
Date of Reply
1 8th August, 2018  Journalist  For the year 2016:  Copies of card statements and any accompanying expenses receipts and/or spreadsheets detailing expenditure for any and all credit or debit cards held by staff and board members.  Part Granted  30th August 2018
2 14th September, 2018  Journalist  For the year 2017:  Copies of card statements and any accompanying expenses receipts and/or spreadsheets detailing expenditure for any and all credit or debit cards hale by staff and board members.  Part Granted  9th October 2018 




No FOI requests received




No FOI requests received