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Meet... Vanessa Power

Posted 24.05.2024
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Vanessa Power, the lettering and mural artist behind Signs of Power, specialises in the creation of unique custom lettering, type-based murals and hand-painted signs. Her vibrant style acts as a bridge between the traditional craft of sign painting and the captivating aesthetic of the pop art movement.

Her artwork often features colloquial phrases and positive slogans, uplifting and inspiring viewers. Vanessa utilises her lettering expertise across various mediums to infuse charm, sophistication, and warmth into people’s homes. She meticulously crafts hand-cut word-based mosaics, elegant Tiffany-style stained glass pieces, and implements the timeless art of gold leaf on glass.

I typically arrive at the studio before 9 a.m. and stay until around 6 p.m. If I’m in the midst of a project, I dive straight into it upon arrival. There’s nothing quite like those mornings when I can immerse myself in a project I’m truly passionate about. Otherwise, I tackle administrative tasks like emails, client inquiries, and sending out invoices and quotes—the joys of being self-employed.


Each day varies depending on the projects I’m juggling, as I’m currently working with multiple mediums. When I have multiple projects underway, I dedicate 45 minutes to an hour to each before transitioning to the next. This strategy helps me stay focused and motivated throughout the day. I prefer to reserve the afternoon for design work, saving hands-on tasks for the mornings when my energy is highest.


Podcasts are a constant companion in the background, although I turn them off when I need to focus solely on designing. I’m incredibly fortunate that my husband built me my dream studio last year. With ample space, I can now work on multiple projects simultaneously, which wasn’t possible in my previous studio. This new setup has significantly boosted my productivity.

Cultivate a network of like-minded individuals in your industry; platforms like Instagram are invaluable for connecting with peers. Above all, create work that resonates with your own vision, not just what you think others will like. And most importantly, relish the journey. A career in design is incredibly fulfilling—I still find immense joy in my work because it's driven by passion.

Vanessa Power

Signs of Power

I find the most inspiration for my work from books I have and online. Galleries, advertising and packaging really inspire me too.

We got this beautiful wedding present of framed brass hands entwined, it’s so beautiful.

What’s your favourite time of the day?


My favourite time of day is the morning. I’m brimming with energy and enthusiasm, eager to dive into whatever awaits me in the studio.

How do you switch off?

I adore walking, especially with the abundance of beautiful paths near where I live. The beautiful bird songs help me unwind and disconnect. I’m also a fan of going to the cinema and indulging in a great series. And before bed, there’s nothing better than winding down with a good book.

How do you start your day?

I kickstart my mornings with a ten-minute meditation session, and although I aim for a short yoga practice most days, it doesn’t always happen. However, meditation has been a consistent part of my morning routine for many years, grounding my thoughts and setting a positive tone for the day. Breakfast with my husband is a cherished ritual that brings joy and warmth to the start of each day.

What’s the first thing you do when you leave studio?

I hop into my van, drive home, greet my husband with a kiss, and start preparing dinner.
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By Signs of Power

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