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Meet the Maker: John Collins

Posted 09.04.2024
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John has been working with hot steel for 30 years and still feels the same creative thrill as he did in a workshop he attended in England many years ago. He loves how hot steel moves like clay and can be shaped to reflect what influences his imagination on a given day.

Since moving to Donegal two years ago, the ocean, movement of the Atlantic, erosion, seaweed have influenced his creative expression with the support of Udaras an Gaeltachta. He has a particular interest in exploring new technologies and materials to create products, as well as a business model which is economically and environmentally sustainable.

Every day is different but the starting ritual is mostly the same. Switch on Air compressor, gas forge and CNC plasma. I texture a lot of my work, so after heating profiles in the forge the next stage is working with the pneumatic forging hammer and hydraulic press, they give depth and a 3d aspect to the 2d profiles. I have no real set hours I tend to work mostly with my inspirational leading me but like any business, when there is orders to fulfil and inspiration is lagging you just have to get on with it.

Don't get too seduced by some archaic fantasy of blacksmithing, physically it's very hard especially as you grow older. Invest in equipment to make it easier, know who your customers are, build your brand around them and never underestimate the power of strategic marketing.

John Collins

Steel is normally associated with immovability, straight lines, engineered. Heating it and watching it move with the different colours of heat, is a thrill.

Having to pack items in big boxes and make them secure.

What’s the first thing you do when you leave the studio?


In the summer, its drive home, wetsuit and swim in Magherosrty beach. North Atlantic, one side of me, Derrrveagh mountain the other. Don’t get any better.

What advice would you give someone who is considering this craft career?

Don’t get too seduced by some archaic fantasy of blacksmithing, physically it’s very hard especially as you grow older. Invest in equipment to make it easier, know who you customers are, build your brand around them and never underestimate the power of strategic marketing.

What’s your favourite craft item in your home?

Kiln fired ceramics from Leach pottery, Cornwall.
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By John Collins

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